The biggest crowd in the year gathers at churches all over the planet on Sunday morning. Easter draws more people to their local congregations than at any other times of the year. People seem to understand what the Christian faith is all about and use Easter as a means of getting their lives right with God in order to create a fresh start.
It’s like the Day of Atonement and New Year’s Day all rolled into one. People need to be forgiven and seek that special absolution that only Easter can bring. They also want to be given another chance, another God blessed opportunity to begin again. Some people call this cheap grace, but others know it to be a divine gift of God’s mercy and love.
But what about today’s passage? Doesn’t it convey the idea that repentance and absolution, forgiveness and mercy are only given once to the born again or enlightened believer? The writer of Hebrews clearly states that there is no ‘do over’ or mulligan given to those who claim to be Christians. We either get it right the first time when we give our hearts to Christ or we miss the opportunity for salvation. Once saved does not mean always saved. According to this passage of scripture, we can lose everything that we once gained if we return to sinful ways, because in doing so, we shamefully crucify Christ again.
It’s a tough passage of scripture to take in and understand. It makes me worry about my own salvation and also all of those Christmas and Easter Christians who seem to take Christ’s grace for granted. Are we all just deluding ourselves and expecting Jesus to forgive us no matter what, or are there limits to His Grace after all?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, we know that we fall short of Your expectations for us. Each day we sin in the same old ways and fully expect You to understand, pardon our mistakes, and put up with our sinful habits. We seem to be missing the point because You only forgive us in order to challenge our ways and change our lives. Keep us from taking this gift of grace for granted. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.
John Stuart is currently the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment or ask questions of today’s message, please send him an email to
Today’s image is one of John’s latest Holy Week drawings. It’s called “Death by Dali” and it is based upon Salvador Dali’s famous painting “Christ of St. John of the Cross.” If you would like to view a larger version of this drawing, please click on the following link:
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